Our reflections and actions



“We are a team of committed and determined mums and dads. The planet (and the people who inhabit it) needs us and it is our responsibility to do everything we can as soon as possible”


This means taking measures to minimise our impact and reduce our CO2 footprint.

Our containment and reduction actions are reviewed annually, in order to implement any innovation that contributes to our mission. The fashion industry must commit to the paradigm shift, so it is imperative that we do not lose sight of our mission. Focus on two main areas of action: PEOPLE AND PLANET

  • We do not support or believe in compulsive buying.
  • We do not advocate accelerating consumption.
  • We do not support cost reduction based on the use of environmentally harmful resources.
  • We believe that good design is silent, because it fulfils its function well and above all because it gives wings to children who want to feel free, both to move and to act.
  • We pursue excellence by creating handmade products developed 100% in Spain.
  • We protect and advocate local consumption and the reuse or reintroduction of materials into the circuit instead of agglomerating waste.
  • We advocate the restructuring of the seasonal calendar.
    There are a multitude of resources at our disposal to configure collections and timeless products that allow for sustainable consumption and slow down the situations of labour inequality that currently prevail in the market.
  • We are just another SME in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem and therefore we believe that the best thing we can do is to sail under the banner of honesty and financial FairPlay.
  • We do not support overproduction. We are concerned about the impact and job insecurity this causes. We believe that neither people nor our planet deserve it and as a result, our ongoing goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2024.



“Being sustainable today is no longer a choice but a priority for the future of our children.”

Reduce carbon footprint.

The measures we will implement to achieve these targets by 2024 are:

100% of our cotton products are organic

100% of our man-made fibre products have at least 50% recycled fibres.

Our packaging will be 100% sustainable, recyclable and reusable.

Our garments will be stored in compostable transparent bags, as to date, the shelf life of biodegradable bags is less than 9 months. For us, it is important that the quality of the garment is not compromised.

We will continue to work with local workshops that will make the garments for us within the Iberian Peninsula. Currently everything is manufactured and shipped from Madrid, Spain.

Although our return volume is very low, we will improve our process and do everything humanly possible to avoid returns due to size changes.

We will work exclusively with shipping suppliers that are certified and committed to reducing our carbon footprint.



This page is auto-fillable, so depending on the improvements that we make and that are not included to date, we will incorporate them..




A healthy and environmentally friendly value chain.

We do everything in our power to minimise our environmental footprint.


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