It all begins in Madrid.

In a room at home, with two homemade sewing machines, without any support and with very clear ideas.

The room that used to be full of threads and pins on the floor has been filled with toys and stories.

A few kilometres from our office, the first machines we had are still there, in the workshop where all the clothes we design are now made, so that we never lose sight of our essence.

The idea of our little ones creating their own identity, and discovering that they have a unique personality has not changed, and will not change. The most exciting thing so far is to be able to drive that discovery through our garments and to feel the support of our customers, with whom we share that desire to improve their future.

Get to know us in depth. Our beginnings, what has brought us this far


Find out what makes us tick


What matters most to us and what we are doing to achieve it


The importance of knowing the whole process and our value chain


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